One of my favorite slokha which I read in school is about an elephant eating wood apple. Finally found the slokha today and here it is:
kapitthasya phalam chaiva yathaa kunjara bhakshitam
tasya saaram cha grihneeyaat tathaa havirasam prabhu
When an elephant eats a wood apple, it consumes just the pulp and leaves the shell as is. Such should be the learning by a student. He/She should absorb just the essence of the 'reading'/lesson and leave the rest.
My understanding : Whenever we learn something we should understand the intent of it and ignore the rest.
However just happened to find an alternate meaning for it too in the web - "Just as the elephant (kunjara) consumes the wood apple fruit along with the shell, but accepts only the core of the fruit, the All-capable Supreme Lord accepts the essence (taste) of the offered food (havir), though He consumes the offering".
kapitthasya phalam chaiva yathaa kunjara bhakshitam
tasya saaram cha grihneeyaat tathaa havirasam prabhu
When an elephant eats a wood apple, it consumes just the pulp and leaves the shell as is. Such should be the learning by a student. He/She should absorb just the essence of the 'reading'/lesson and leave the rest.
My understanding : Whenever we learn something we should understand the intent of it and ignore the rest.
However just happened to find an alternate meaning for it too in the web - "Just as the elephant (kunjara) consumes the wood apple fruit along with the shell, but accepts only the core of the fruit, the All-capable Supreme Lord accepts the essence (taste) of the offered food (havir), though He consumes the offering".
Nice post. Deep and rich in content.